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Showing posts from July, 2018

The City Never Sleeps

       July 23, 2018, Mr. Rodrigo Roa Duterte delivered his State of the Nation Address. The President's SONA this year was not as long as his previous ones but he was able to point out unfixed issues and campaigns he desires to implement.            I don't hold any grudge against the President but to  convey complaint  on a particular statement from his SONA is not a sin, is it?  " Your concern is human rights, mine is human lives " is unpleasing to the ears. Mr. Duterte is framing our mutual concerns that it seemed to contradict. You can't totally support human lives without supporting human rights. Human rights is the right to life and the right to live. Its point is to protect lives. From the idea I deducted from his statement, it's as if our concerns are different from each other. He claims to be concerned on human lives when in fact, he is the root of death abundance in the the country he leads. Human lives supporter (as he wants to consider himse

Healthy Living

Nutrition Month is celebrated annually to spread awareness on the positive effects that nutrition brings to our health. Every year, the National Nutrition Council declares a theme that will be put into action throughout the month of July. This year's theme is "Ugaliing Magtanim, Sapat na Nutrisyon Aanihin." The theme does not only pertain to farmers whose living revolve around agriculture. It persuades everyone to practice the habit of planting. To which, we'll be able to harvest a healthy lifestyle. It upholds family gardening. Planting may be the first step toward the human body's wealth of nutrition. We must not sleep on our health for it is one of the factors that structures our other aspects. We could become physically, emotionally, and mentally stable. When you know how to read between the lines, you could easily tell that the "Magtanim" or "planting" which is said on the theme do not include plants that do not contribute nutrients th

Expression of Opinion

Dear Mr. President, To formally start my message, I would like to greet you a good day, all the way from Ilocos Sur. Being a President is a huge responsibility. The stake of the Philippines depend under your leadership. I would like to convey my opinion regarding your governance, including your campaign against illegal drugs. Many people wish that you will be impeached because they dislike your supremacy but as a matter of fact, you are better than those they favor to be on your position. You are a good leader but some people choose to be blinded by your negative actions. Instead of helping you avoid mistakes, they wait for you to commit one. Though there really are reasons to be against you. Your campaign against illegal drugs took away the lives of people that may still have room for change and even those who are innocent. While you are eradicating one of the roots of crime, you are violating human rights also. Second, isn't it odd for a person reigning on a pedestal to be sp

Heroes who will never be Deprived of Identity

     Annually, on the 12th day of June, we celebrate Philippine Independence. Various people are viewed to enjoy their leisure time as the said date is considered to be a holiday. For more than 300 years of colonization, our ancestors were chained of misery due to the difficulties they've been through. Most of us may know what is commemorated on the 12th but only few could decipher everything behind it. Why do we really celebrate Philippine Independence?      It is an act of looking back and appreciating the sacrifices of our ancestors in claiming the freedom of our country and its people. A day of being completely unlocked from the cages and being loosen from the grasp of selfish people is worth their century of happiness. Independence is annually brought to life to redeem the remembrance of the people who never stopped seeking for freedom. May it be with their use of pen or weapon, we can say they were wise enough that they were able to track the colonizers down. We proudly pre