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Recognizing the Nation's Educators

A role model can be someone who serves as someone's infinite source of inspiration. A role model can be anybody: a parent, a sibling, a friend but some of our most influential and life-changing role model are teachers. Every single one of us has to deal with teachers at one point or another in our life. Armed with a supportive and well-educated administration, there is no limit to the influence of a teacher can have on one, or many, students' lives. 

Teachers guide us as we strive to be the professionals that we aspire to become. Amidst the sea of artists, lawyers, doctors, engineers... there is no doubt that at least one is a teacher. Teachers hold immense importance in our lives. Teaching is the one profession that creates all other professions. Although teachers may become overly demanding and uncompromising sometimes, we still tend to seek the good in them despite their imperfections. From an early age, teachers have invested in us and helped us grow into the persons we have become. At a time when deliberate ignorance is being imposed in our nation, teachers are the real saviors. If we rewarded individuals for how much they contribute to society, good teachers would be millionaires. We find guidance, friendship, discipline, love in them.

To the teachers -- awesome men and women that are committed to moulding and impacting lives, Happy Teachers' Day. Thank you for believing in us and enduring all our tantrums. Thank you for the extreme patience of dealing with us. Thank you for the knowledge, both in academics and in life, that you have given us. Sorry for being a nuisance in terms of discipline but know that you are important. You deserve gratitude and respect each and every day. Time and time again, you shape the lives of students. You are fundamental to us. We are eternally grateful. May the rewards of your labour come speedily and many shall have reason to celebrate you in your lifetime. 



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