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Through the Eyes of an EQUAL RIGHTS ACTIVIST

     There are some flaws in this world that we have no place to fix, but when it comes to equality, everyone has a right to speak up for the silent. One of the biggest problems our society is currently facing is the lack of Equality and awareness of it. Why do some people get more rights than others? We are the same -- with different skin tones, different faces, different beliefs, different genders, different bodies, different lives. But what makes us the same is that we build as we destroy and we, are human.

Image result for equal rights equal opportunities
Who said that skin color defines us? Who said that being gay is an insult? Who said that "like a girl" is anything less "like a boy"? Some people continue to make judgments on others. Whether they say it aloud, keep it inside, or show it in their faces. Demean, tear-down, humiliate. Even the tiniest creature on Earth deserves respect. Equality is not similarity. Being equal doesn't mean being identical. It means accept and respect the right to be different. Lasting peace depends on equal rights, equal opportunities. Neither the state nor any person may unfairly discriminate against any person on the ground of disability. A person is just as capable of fulfilling the roles of another person despite their indifference. "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for we are all one in Jesus Christ."

     We are all human beings. Beating hearts, strong bones, a mind of our own. It doesn't matter what our gender is, what our sexuality is, or where we're from. What matters is who we make ourselves. Equality begins with us. To all the people facing the unjust world today, you''ll get through and will finally be able to reach the light.



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