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Showing posts from October, 2018


Despite the lack of time, our teacher in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) managed to discuss our lessons for the Second Quarter - smoothly and briefly. We were able to finish the topics in a short span of time. On how consistent our teacher is, I have no doubt on how strategic she is as a teacher. Our topics this quarter were more interesting that the topics from the previous quarter. I was able to gain knowledge about Internet Access, Parts of the Web Browser and HTML. At least I won't be too ignorant if ever someone would ask me such. If I would choose among the topics, HTML caught my interest the most. Doing our activities regarding HTML was as easy as understanding the topic. Hopefully, our lessons next quarter would be as interesting as this topic.

Poverty Eradication

     Poverty is one of the most serious violations of human rights and stigma on human dignity. Poverty is rampant in areas and societies that are deprived of their fundamental rights. The persistence of poverty, including extreme poverty, is the major concern for the United Nations and, at its 72nd session, the General Assembly launched the Third United Nations Decade for Eradication of Poverty, under the theme: "Accelerating global actions for a world without poverty."      This agenda for transforming our world is very pertinent but at the same time highly ambitious. The theme stresses and promises to leave no one behind and reaching the furthest behind first. Government policies alone cannot create the social inclusion that is fundamental to reaching those left furthest behind and overcoming poverty in all its dimensions. Meeting this ambitious development agenda requires visionary policies for sustainable, inclusive, sustained and equitable economic growth, supported b

Recognizing the Nation's Educators

A role model can be someone who serves as someone's infinite source of inspiration. A role model can be anybody: a parent, a sibling, a friend but some of our most influential and life-changing role model are teachers. Every single one of us has to deal with teachers at one point or another in our life. Armed with a supportive and well-educated administration, there is no limit to the influence of a teacher can have on one, or many, students' lives.  Teachers guide us as we strive to be the professionals that we aspire to become. Amidst the sea of artists, lawyers, doctors, engineers... there is no doubt that at least one is a teacher. Teachers hold immense importance in our lives. Teaching is the one profession that creates all other professions. Although teachers may become overly demanding and uncompromising sometimes, we still tend to seek the good in them despite their imperfections. From an early age, teachers have invested in us and helped us grow into the person

Technology: A Friend to Humanity

     Technology has advanced with years and it has changed the way we purchase products, the way we live, the way we communicate, the way we travel, the way we learn and so many changes have been brought about by these continuous technological advancements. As people's demand and lifestyle change, the demand for advancing the type of technology we use is high.      "Wavefront: Accentuating Potentials, Activating Technological Advancements" is the theme of this year's National Science Club Month. How does this relate to us? The theme urges everyone of us to use our knowledge, and unleash our potentials so that we can contribute in the development, progress, and advancement of technology. We may not know it, but even our smallest efforts can contribute to our society, and inspire other people to take actions too. Technological advancements have helped business and organizations save time and cost of production, helped in the field of medicine and health care, co